I asked some questions to my students' parents for evaluation of our project. The results of the "Project Evaluation Form for Parents" are as follows: 1. All of them liked our project 2. 4 out of 5 parents stated that our project supports the academic success of their students. 3. All of them believe that our project supports the social development of the student. 4. All of them show that our project has increased the psychological resilience of students. 5. 4 out of 5 parents, our project increased the student's English proficiency 6. All of them show that our project increases the student's sense of responsibility. 7. Each of them stated that they liked different activities (all were great, picture animation, plant breeding, safer Internet activities, poster works) 8. 4 out of 5 parents stated that they would want their children to participate in an e-twinning project again. The results are wonderful. I thanked the parents for their supports and feedbacks. I ...