We must protect nature! Many species are threatened with extinction. Schools participating in the project have prepared an album with protected animals and plants. album
In April, to celebrate the Earth Day, we worked in international teams on ecological content: ecosystem, Energy, Water and Forest, and the VIRTUAL EXHIBITION is the result of our work https://www.artsteps.com/view/607c570db3f609346de71964?currentUser
On April 23, on the occasion of Independence Day and Children's Day in Turkey, the aim of which is to promote children's rights, Polish children met with their friends from Turkey and presented their artistic program as a gift. 💓
We organized a Meeting for all teachers and students in our lovely project. On April 23 when Nation Sovereignty and Childrens' Day in Turkey, we got together. It was enjoyable. We told about Turkish Holiday and the Polish students sang songs for all children. And this wonderful meeting announced our school Websites and e-Twinning Turkey Facebook accound.
Our Topic of March is SPRING. 1. EDUCATION ZESPOŁ SZKÓŁ IM. M. KOTAŃSKIEGO/ KLUB MŁODZIEŻOWY "Małe Rzeczy" INOWROCŁAW POLAND Spring / video First Sign of Spring /video SZKOŁA PODSTAWOWA NR 2 W SIEWIERZU SOSW w Radomsku - wiosenne odgłosy przyrody Spring / video ÖZLEM BAYER/EMEK SECONDARY SCHOOL/BURSA/TURKEY 2.PLASTICITY Sign of Spring Padlet /c ollabarative event 3. HEALTH Healty Sneack and Drink / e-book/collabarative event 4. MUSIC Spring Songs / Wakaleet/collabarative event 5. SOCIAL Wishes for March 8 SOSW Dąbrowa Górnic...
Our students create POSTERS about Safer Internet. And they tell us "How can we spend our free time on internet?" With this POSTERS, we did a poster competition. And the winners are announced on Twinspace. Click for POSTERS padlet /for competition Our competitions' winner annouced from Emek Secondary School Website. That is Nehirs' school.
Our February Topic is SAFER INTERNET. We celebrate Safer İnternet Day on February, 9. 1. EDUCATION ZS im. M Kotańskiego/ Klub Młodzieżowy " Małe Rzeczy" Inowrocław POLAND Özlem BAYER /Emek Secondary School /Bursa /Turkey Szkola Podstawowa nr 2 w Siewierzu 2.PLASTICITY Poster Padlet /collabarative event 3. HEALTH Good Habits Book Dokładne mycie rąk jest istotne, ponieważ wirusy, mogą być przenoszone na powierzchni dłoni. Rękoma instynktownie dotykamy okolic twarzy, a wirusy i bakterie mogą wnikać ludzkiego organizmu… Bu Sway tuvaline git 4. MUSIC List of Youth Music Bu Sway tuvaline git 5. SOCIAL e-Book /common event